We partner with ambitious policy makers, intellectuals, historians and thoughts leaders, artists, museums, art institutions, art educators, art critics, writers, journalists, researchers, media experts, social platforms, technicians, hackers, academics, teachers, schools, universities, students, volunteers, artists clusters, hubs, venues, governments and governing bodies, tribes and other community leaders, we research all forms of data , inventories and collections, who are willing to open-up, share resources and collaborate to achieve Syria Sixth Space’s mission.
"Alma Salem is a force of nature with a large network and a huge passion to give visibility to artists and the artistic scene in the Middle East. I am honored to be part of the first pilot project of Syria Sixth Space, her new innovative artistic platform that wants to connect, build bridges, provide opportunities, be reflective as well as will create awareness. It is actual and urgent. And therefore it is Alma." Natasja van ‘t Westende Director Dancing on the Edge (the
"À son initiative, dans le cadre du 100e congrès de l'International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) s'étant tenu à Montréal en mai 2017, la Société de la Place des Arts de Montréal a reçu plus de 400 chefs de file du domaine des arts de la scène, provenant de quelques 185 villes partout dans le monde. Sous le thème « Identités (Identities) », le congrès a réservé une place de choix à ce thème universel grâce à des conférences, des discussions, des formations et des performances qui en ont exploré les multiples facettes. La participation extraordinaire des intervenants et des invités aura certainement contribué au succès et au rayonnement de l'événement. À ce titre, la Société tient à remercier madame Alma Salem et à souligner son apport dans le cadre de l'Académie Anthony Field d'ISPA, une activité favorisant les échanges dans un esprit d'ouverture et de partage d'expériences inspirantes." Marc Blondeau Président-directeur général Places Des Arts - Montreal -Canada
"Alma’s presence in Montreal is something to celebrate. She’s a great collaborator: a trustworthy, passionate, enjoyable partner for events I’m involved in. A precious addition to a collective I belong to: Syrian Perspectives, now organizing it’s 2nd edition. An inspired jury member for the Montreal First Peoples’ Festival Présence autochtone’s cinema component in 2016. And generally speaking, a great consultant regarding Syrian and Middle-Eastern matters." Mary Ellen Davis, documentary director, instructor, co-programmer of cinema events
“I had the pleasure of collaborating with Alma Salem during our recent Salzburg Global program "The Art of Resilience: Courage, Creativity, and Renewal." Alma played a crucial role in our program, sharing important insights from her courageous and creative initiative: Syria Sixth Space, an online platform showcasing the work of Syrian artists in times of conflict. Alma's broad and deep experience in the cultural field, her empathetic approach and keen intellect contributed greatly to the overall success of the program and the quality of the discussions, and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with Alma in coming years." Susanna Seidl-Fox | Program Director, Culture and the Arts , Salzburg Global Seminar
"On behalf of the Sundance Institute, it has been my extreme pleasure to work and collaborate with Alma Salem. Alma is a visionary champion of artists globally. Her translation of Arabic texts have made it possible for Sundance to identify and support emerging talent from the MENA region and beyond, and her inspired and inventive thinking as a cultural arts manager and leader is vital to our growing borderless world." Philip Himberg, Artistic Director, Sundance Institute Theatre Program
"As the current president of the Roberto Cimetta Fund, an international organisation dedicated to artists and cultural activists mobility between Europe, the Arab World and the Middle East (operational since 14 years, and over 1000 travel grants delivered), I would like to stress the generous and precious contributions provided by Ms Alma Salem, every time we needed help and professional expertise. Along the years, this highly appreciated collaboration has turned to become friendship and respect." Ferdinand Richard
"Alma is an expert in culture and arts from the Middle East, specifically Syria. I had the pleasure of working with her through a collaboration we both set up jointly to support Syrian artists on the move. This programme called, Syira Beyond Arts we developed from within our respective organisations we represented back then. Alma for the British Council and I for the Prince Claus Fund. The programme was hailed as a pioneering example of support for artists is drastic times of change and uncertainty." Bertan Selim, Prince Claus Fund
"I have been lucky to work on various projects with Alma Salem over the years and am very excited by Syria Sixth Space. It's a vital project, and Alma has the wit, drive, determination and diligence to make incredible things happen." Dan Gorman, Arts Manager and Shubbak Executive Director'
"J'oublie souvent qu'Alma Salem était mon étudiante à l'Université de Damas. Je l'ai toujours considérée comme une amie, et je continue à le faire. Depuis de longues années, nous avons commencé à travailler ensemble sur divers projets et traductions; et j'éprouve un vrai plaisir dans nos discussions, propositions et commentaires. Nous le faisons parfois face à face; pendant nos réunions ou nos voyages; mais la plupart du temps nous engageons en ligne au milieu de la nuit -à cause du décalage horaire entre le Canada et Beyrouth- des séances de travail et de longues discussions très sérieuses, mais toujours entrecoupées par un échange d'emojis qui communiquent virtuellement nos éclats de rires. Il y a une vrai complicité qui se tisse entre nous, et j'apprécie beaucoup son originalité, son humanisme et sa ténacité à défendre les causes, les idées, et les personnes." Hanan Kassab Hassan
"En 2013, après avoir quitté la Syrie. Je suis installé à Paris. Comme tous les autres syriens, J'étais dans le chaos et l'incertitude. A ce moment là, j'39 ai eu envie et besoin d'entreprendre mes projets artistiques en parallèle avec mon travail comme scénographe. Une première des personnes à qui j'ai voulu présenter ma première installation artistique (Mémoire des femmes) était Alma Salem qui faisait un travail superbe pour les syriens. Alma a soutenu mon projet pas seulement en tant que Middle East North Directrice du programme régional des arts en Afrique au British Council, mais aussi en tant que personne qui dégage beaucoup d'énergie positive et de force. La première bourse qui m'a aidé à démarrer mes recherches pour ce projet était le British Council Subventions pour les artistes syriens dirigée par Alma. Le projet a été présenté, en partie, dans le cadre de l'exposition collective SyriaThird Space au siège du British Council à Londres, et Parlement européen. à Bruxelles. En 2016, j'ai obtenu par le ministère de la culture et de la communication française le chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres sur ce projet. Merci Alma ..." Bissan Alcharif, artiste, scénographe, architechte
"I worked with Alma for five years and our work benefitted hugely from her extraordinary knowledge and understanding of the arts in the Middle East and her ability to develop impressive programmes and projects with talented artists and interesting emerging creative voices." Stephen Stenning |Director Culture and Development
"آلما سالم من الشخصيات التي لا يمكن لمصادفتها في حياة المرء أن تبقى بلا أثر. هي مزيج من الشغف بالحياة، والتوهج بالذكاء، والصلابة في الإرادة. تبدع آلما الفكرة، تمسكها من يدها، وتمشي بها نحو تحقيقها. في هذه الصيرورة الخلّاقة، وكنُصف إلهة، لا تأبه آلما للمصاعب التي تظهر للناس العاديين عصية كالجبال؛ ولا تضيع بوصلتها التي لا تنحرف درجةً عن هدفها الأسمى: خلق الجميل من أجل فرح الإنسان" الدكتور حسان عباس ، كاتب و باحث و مؤسس الرابطة السورية للمواطنة
"آلما سالم هي مؤسسة فكرية اعلامية و ثقافية تمشي على قدمين .. تعاونّا معا في بضعة أعمال فنيّة اعلامية توجيهية فكنّا صوتا و صدى نال اعجاب الجميع .. أنتظر الفرصة القادمة لنستأنف المضي معا من جديد." الفنّان علي فرزات
"Alma is a combination of an activist, intellectual, and an artist. I have known her as a colleague and a close friend since 2005. Alma is a creative mind with a spirit that is larger than forms, traditions and institutions! I turn to Alma for rich discussions and ideas that are way outside the box. She is a great communicator across cultures, and people like her are essential to redefine the debates on today’s pressing problems and to challenge stereotypes and pre-conceptions in unorthodox ways" Anas Darkawi, civil society programme manager -Asfari Foundation
"I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Alma Salem bureau for over a year. Alma has collaborated with Sharjah Art Foundation for many translation and editing projects. With efficiency, she has taken on many responsibilities and earned the reputation for being well organized and reliable. She has demonstrated professionalism and exceptional commitment when completing tasks for projects with strict deadlines. It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Alma as a translator, editor, and copyeditor." Wasan Yousif Publications coordinator, Translator and Copy-editor Sharjah Art Foundation, U.A.E
"آلما سالم هي أحد اللاعبين الأساسيين في الحقل الثقافي السوري. شخص حقيقي بكل ما يلزم الأمر من معرفة غزيرة وخفة دم وذكاء وقاد. بالإضافة لمعرفتها الشاملة بعمل المؤسسات الثقافية وإستراتيجياتها، وبالإضافة إلى شبكة علاقتها العالمية، ألما شغلت مناصب ثقافية مهمة داخل سورية وخارجها. دعمها للفنانين السوريين غير محدود ومبادراتها المستمرة في هذا الحقل هي من الأسباب الخفية لتطوير ودعم المشهد الفني المحلي/المعاصر والفنانين الشباب. " خالد بركة – فنّان
"جميعنا تقريباً، جرب لعبة إزالة الألغام أو minesweeper على الكمبيوترات القديمة. تبحث عن الألغام تحت حقول مجهولة لانتزاعها قبل أن تنفجر. لعبة بسيطة جداً، ربما، لكنها تشبه كثيراً العمل في الشأن العام أوقات الأزمات، حيث المجتمع مفخخ بألغام من الكراهية والعنف والرفض المخبأة في مكان ما، قد تنفجر في وجهنا جميعاً في أية لحظة. ضمن هذه الظروف يصبح العمل في المجال الفني والثقافي تحد يومي ملح ومتسارع، يحتاج دأباً وجرأة وحماسة، لانتزاع تلك الألغام قبل انفجارها. عملت مع آلما سالم في مشاريع عدة وتشاركنا شغف التجربة ومشقتها. شهدنا هزائم كثيرة وحققنا بعض الانتصارات، في كل هؤلاء معاً كانت آلما أفضل لاعب minesweeper عرفته"زاهر عمرين ، فنان و كاتب